Apple, MBNA America
Mac Mall, Apple - MBNA AMERICA I can't write the names I feel about this ripoff company

Business & Finance

I opened the account so to speak in 2001 through MAC MALL - Apple (they presented themselves as the same thing), and somehow I started getting bills from MBNA. My credit limit was $1500, the computer was just over that (the shipping fees is what made it over the limit); so from day 1 I've been paying that over the credit limit fee of $35.

My account is now at $3,192, need I remind you what year it is now? I have always paid at least the minimum payment. If ever I was late, I would always send in $100 - $200, my minimum is only $53. And yet I'm still at the amount that I'm at. Nevermind that the over the limit fee is $39, my interest rate somehow is up to 29.99%. How the hell did that happen?

I have tried to call to have them lower the rate as I've heard many times that credit card companies "want to help you to get their money faster", all you need to do is call and ask. So I spent over an hour on the phone this past weekend trying to get some help to pay the card off within 12 months. I was going to pay $200/month in order to accomplish this. I even secured my first payment of $200 for this month (I just got finished paying them $200 for last month). Then yesterday I get a nasty letter in the mail saying that due to my other accounts and credit problems I cannot have the deal that they made with me over the phone.

I only have 1 other credit card and all the other credit cards I had before have been paid off (in good standing), I just finished paying off a car early. How the hell is my credit THAT bad. What they had promised me on the phone was to stop charging the over the limit fee and lower my APR by a couple percentages. What a joke!

Why would they want the card paid off, not including the amount they have already recovered (of stole) from me in the past few years, they are going to get at least an additional $1500 in late fees and interest in the next 12 months. That's only if I can get the card paid off by that time. This is the most expensive computer I have ever paid for. And the computer is now 4 years old!

If someone can make any suggestions as to how I can unscrew myself from this company, PLEASE let me know how. Thanks

*Also, as a warning - I looked on the back of my statement on how payments are allocated and it states "We will allocate your payments in the manner we determine". *

Company: Apple, MBNA America
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: P.O. Box 15027
Phone: 8886376262
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