D.R. D Awards Payment Data Release Div
Big Greedy Scam they say you dont need to pay anything to get the 1.4 million but if they do this to enough people this guy will be the millionaire. Thankfully I didnt send anything in because if it

Business & Finance

First I recieved a letter with an id number so I called in and was on the phone for about 30 min until they asked me to purchase some various magazines and they wanted my credit card info to that i hung up the phone fully expecting to never hear from them again. Until 2 months later i recieved this offical looking two page letter in the mail acting like i won 1,4 million dollars and to be honest it would be awsome. But if you really win something like this you dont have to pay to get it they would be coming to your door and handing you the money. This guy just wants your money and also your bank info. How sad in the economic times we are living in that this guy dose this and lots of honest desparate people get taken advantage of. This is a sick world that we live in thats greedy and money hungry. Dont respond to this letter at all and dont send him any money you will never get it back and you will not get 1.4 million dollars.

Company: D.R. D Awards Payment Data Release Div
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Plainview
Address: P.O Box 9004 Westbury, NY 11590-9004
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Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Awards Program

Data Release Division
Consumer Report

Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program (LVAAP)
Ripoff dont fall for it! I was guarenteed over 3 million dollars, all I had to do is send $20, I did and now I regret it!

Oppertunities unlimited publications inc
Opp they sent me over 11 of these sweepstakes things saying 6 million and then 2 million and 1 million dollars just send them money well i did on the very first one i got but every week i get these things

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program
This company sent me a letter on stating that I had won $3,941, 006 They said that I had to send them like 20 dollars or something, which raised a red flag for me. Why would I need to send them money if they were going to give me over 3 million dollars?

National Awards Commission
Ripoff. They need to be STOPPED!

Naac - Cppd - Drd
Rip-off, scams, bulls

National magazine exchange
I am confused

D.R.D. Award Payment Release Division
These scam artists ripped me off, sent me a letter saying that I won One Million Four Thousand Dollars to the exact penny. I still have my letter and the money order I sent them for 20.00

National Awards Commission
Ripoff, dishonest fradulent sweepstakes