Mary "Maggie" Severino
Sr. Vice-President Busey Bank forgery, grossly overcharged late fees and Interest, unlawful defaults, lied to a disabled man, felony misapproiation of bank funds

Business & Finance

As a single mother I bought a newly constructed, handicap assessible home for my 12 yr. Old
daughter and 14 yr. Old physically disabled son. I financed the loan through Citizens Savings Bank,
predecessor - in interest to Busey Bank. Ms. Severino went to work for CSB about the same time I refinanced the loan in March.

From that time through December 7, there were no fewer than 9 instances where my payments
were not properly posted to the account, resulting in double Interest charges, exorbiant late fees
and a system set up to make us fail. One bogus Default Notice contained my signature forged on a postal document in May. Subsequent payments made after this Notice indicate that not only
was there no Default, but I was forced to make 3 full monthly payments to cover a single monthly

Ms. Severino eventually revealed that I had been charged 42 months worth of late fees in a 2 year
period. On Dec. 2, my son e-mailed Ms. Severino re: the promised disposition of those overcharged late fees. On Dec. 3, ms severino responded with an e-mail in which she blantantly lied to a kid she knew was a 23 year old physically disabled college student
that was desperate to keep his home.

Company: Mary "Maggie" Severino
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: 2101 Veteran's Parkway
Phone: 3096618700
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Busey Bank / First Busey Corp
Has placed undue risk to consumers, the Corporation and commerce alike. Allowed illegal business relationship with the husband of Sr. V-P Mary "Maggie" Severino

SunTrust Bank
Auto Loan

Bank of America
Threatening to Foreclose - Refuse to Modify Loan - Refusing Payments - Overcharged

Best Buy, Household, Orchard, Credit Services, Bank
HBCS, Best Buy HP Pavilion crashed within one month of purchase, Household Bank failed to post payments, lost payments, charge wrongful late fees and interest on a no-interest loan. Ripoff

Ocwen Federal Bank
Delaying applying payments. Forcing late charges, interest fees. Sending back payments because they were supposedly late. Forcing foreclosure abused & mistreated

Citibank - Citi Cards
Charged insane fees for nothing

Select Portfolio Servicin, Inc
Change in loan. Signed loan with Oak Street Mortg. Than over to SLS now SPS Had Interest only loan at one time, somehow changed. Reported Late 26 times from SPS, but bank statment shows paid every mon

Merrick Bank
Deceptive Billing and Payment Posting Practice

GE Money Bank
Late fees

Ocwen Loan Servicing, New Century Mortgage, Deutche Bank
Entered on time cash payments late, racking up late fees and lawyer fees, refused payments causing even more late fees, then filed foreclosure papers with the court system in my county and TRIED TO TAKE MY HOME!