Quicken Loans
TERRIBLE company

Business & Finance

Even though I left Quicken Loans a few years ago, I felt the need to spread the word about this disgusting company. As a female, I realized I was outnumbered right away. On the first day I witnessed nothing but testosterone-driven frat boys swinging around baseball bats and randomly doing push-ups. I knew proving myself would be difficult, but I didn't realize how difficult it would be at first.

I was duped into thinking I would be in an industry that would help people, but I found that everyone lied and played mind games to get people to refinance. I, myself, was told that I wasn't "bitchy" enough, and I needed to become a bitch. My director told me what to say over headphones, and all he had me do was lie to get the sale. He called it "acting." Once I was talking to a lady who worked at Home Depot - magically I had a friend that worked at Home Depot, too. If I were talking to a grandmother I would become a grandmother. Some days I'd be single, others I'd be married with children. (I am in fact unmarried without children). I'd hear my co-workers tell clients that they had been working at Quicken for years, and had many clients... When in reality they were there for 3 months tops. We'd also be instructed to tell clients that we were paid a salary, and didn't make commission. HA! I don't think the directors would have us work 12 hours in a sweat shop if we were being paid a salary. A word of warning - if one of the employees tells you they've been there for years, they're lying. You're lucky to get someone who has been working longer than 6 months. They're all right out of college, and desperate to make a sale. They'll tell you anything.

If that's not bad enough, every time someone would make a sale, they would write their name on the board, and have the entire "training grounds" clap for them. It was embarrassing, and pathetic.

I was told that I'd be working 10 hours a day, but then was guilted into working more than 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. WITHOUT overtime pay. If I tried to leave at a reasonable hour I was told that I was "disappointing the team." Directors made us eat lunch at our desk, and would sometimes treat us with hot dogs and chips to keep us from going to lunch. They also fed us Monster energy drinks and Red Bull to keep us awake. Sometimes I felt like my heart was going to explode.

Another employee informed me upon wanting to quit, his director had him do some homework. It was to go out to the Tower City fountain and look at the bums. Horrid.

Now for the sexual harassment part... I was shadowing one of the employees, and I saw he had received an e-mail. It was pornography... He told me to "pretend I didn't see that." He also explained that's how the guys celebrated their sales or "wins." He also said the director was in on it. I was absolutely appalled.in addition to that I had employees message me over instant messenger asking me out or to even participate in a threesome. Yeah. Real classy. The girls there aren't much better either. Female employees will sleep with their directors to get "hotter leads." Everyone sleeps with everyone, and it's basically one big orgy. Oh, and there's a reason Quicken Loans doesn't administer drug tests. It's because everyone's coked out of their minds.

A final note - upon leaving my director told me I was throwing the best opportunity away, and I'd be likely to make $20,000 a year if I'm lucky. I told him I didn't care. I like having a soul.

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
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Quicken Loans
Nothing but a bunch of lying, sexually harassing, frat boys

Quicken Loans
The Sweat Shop

Quicken Loans
Quicken loans ripoff! Liars!

Quicken Loans
Working for them is a joke

Quicken Loans
I Heart Quicken Loans Livonia

Quicken Loans Mortgage
Why go to orgies if you have the "cheapest chicks in town" working for Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans
Devastated by Quicken Loans after being brainwashed then fired... Ripoff

Quicken Loans
Managers at Quicken Loan Consultants to Take a Deposit No Matter What! Livonia, Livonia, Michigan

Quicken Loans
What they are doing is wrong

Quicken Loans
This place SUCKS ripoff