Aurora Loan Services
Stole Our Home Also—Company Collects Foreclosures

Business & Finance

Aurora also stole our house. Not only that, they shafted the first mortgage holder by paying the arrearage in order to get them to cancel their sheriff's sale, but neglected to tell them who and why this payment was made. The first lender assumed we were going to keep the property and kept sending us monthly bills in violation of our bankruptcy discharge. Aurora was bound and determined to hold the sheriff's sale themselves, even though they were in the #2 position.

Apparently, our realtor was trying to do a short sale and brought sale figures that made Aurora see dollar signs. Although there was no problem with a short sale with lender #1, Aurora kept giving all kinds of excuses why it would take a long time to get a payoff figure. First, they would only give it to me, and then if I had to fax them for it. Then the realtor was told he could have it but it would take at least two weeks. This went on until finally the two buyers cancelled, which was what Aurora wanted to happen. Even the realtor says they sabotaged the sales and that he never had this kind of trouble with any lender.

Well, the joke was on them, because nobody bid at their sheriff's sale, let alone someone with the huge amount they figured they would addition, I informed lender #1 what happened because they started to harass us for payment. Upon learning what happened, they became very angry that Aurora had not informed them as to what really happened. I hope they sue their pants off.

Aurora was bound and determined to get the property and wasn't going to let anyone stand in their way. This company plays dumb, hangs up on customers and even, it seems, is not above cheating other lenders. I would be more then happy to get some kind of legal action going against them. It is apparent from the other stories on this board that they have decided to copy the very methods Household Finance got chastized for in the recent "settlement" by the Attorneys General of almost every state in the union.

Why are companies allowed to get away with this?

Company: Aurora Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
Address: 601 5TH AVENUE
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