Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Beware of Wells Fargo "Payment Plans" - Wells Fargo Employees LIE

Business & Finance

Starting in early September I was out of work for several weeks because of an unexpected medical issue. There were delays in processing of my disability pay, resulting in my October mortgage payment becoming past due. I contacted Wells Fargo Home Mortgage to advise of the situation and was offered a "payment plan" by the individual I spoke to. This person told me they could reduce my monthly payment with a temporary forbearance for 3 months that would bring me current and that after this time my payments would return to normal. She said if I was still having issues, then I could look at doing three more months of this forbearance if I still qualified. I want to clarify that at this time my account was under 30 days past due as that is the first payment I had missed in the past almost 3 years of having this mortgage - which happens to be my first. I asked questions to clarify that this was indeed what the payment plan was, and was reassured that this would get me back on track. When I asked how it would impact my credit they said that it would show that I was on a plan but other then that would be fine.

I spoke with a couple other people at Wells Fargo since that time, and they all basically said the same thing.

On November 30 I logged onto the internet to make my scheduled payment on the Wells Fargo website as normal. I was unable to make a payment and was prompted to call Wells Fargo. I tried to pull up my statement and that was also blocked. I called Wells Fargo and after verifying who I was, the woman who answered told me I was past due, but then quickly said I was on a payment plan. This combined with the website blocks concerned me, so I began asking questions, and she told me that the plan was not as it had been explained to me but that the entire payment was still due and that the plan was just to stop any foreclosure process. She told me that I could pay the full amount due (which at the time of the call was showing due for October AND November since the partial payment didn't count towards the payment) or stay on the plan. I had not even been over 30 days past due and have maintained a good payment history for the almost 3 years I have had my mortgage. I was shocked and outraged. I asked her how this payment plan was supposed to help me when I had not even been at risk for foreclosure and was less then a month past due and she just kept apologizing and offering for me to speak with a "lead". So I go over the same thing with the lead, and she also apologizes but then becomes aggressive with me when I continue to point out that I was lied to multiple times by multiple Wells Fargo employees. When I asked how this was impacting my credit, she said she didn't know. She said I would have to get a copy of my credit report to find out??? I have serious concerns regarding the handling of my mortgage account and the blatant misinformation I was given regarding my account. I was blatantly and repeatedly misinformed about the "payment arrangement" or "temporary forbearance" placed on my mortgage only to find out this plan that I was told was available to help me actually caused me to not only get further behind but also to have a negative impact on my credit. Because of this erroneous and completely incorrect information I am now further past due then I would ever have been AND AM ACCUMULATING LATE CHARGES. And I can't even get a call back form a supervisor! Had I been accurately and honestly informed I WOULD NOT HAVE AGREED TO THIS ALLEGED PLAN and would have now been current on the account instead of in a deeper hole. I thought I was fine - I was told I was fine. And the gross negligence of Wells Fargo and inadequacy of employees and/or policies is unacceptable.in reviewing various online forums and documents, I see this is common practice with Wells Fargo. I am disgusted that I am stuck doing business with such a company that seeks to abuse customers is this way.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 800 Walnut
Phone: 8662348271
Site: wellsfargo.com
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