Genuine Finance
Deborah Allen, Richard Kelly, John Taylor, David Schuster Looks like I was scammed too! And I can't believe it! If they don't come through on their end, I will be filing breach of contract

Business & Finance

Apparently I was scammed by these people too! I have been trying to work with them for three weeks and am out a good bit of money! I did all the research too and didn't find any negative reports on this company. But something is up! And I'm going to fight back... I will probably be filing a breach of contract suit against this company, these individuals, the insurance company, etc. So mad!!!

Company: Genuine Finance
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Hoboken
Address: 70 Hudson St 5th FL
Phone: 8888966768, 551226820
  <     >  


Blue Hippo
Biggest ripoff in the new century

Ted Kimball and Adrienne R. Kelly and Angelique Marquez
Kimball Tirey St John illegal FCRA and FDCPA collection practices San Diego

Ripoff refuses to recognize breach of their own contract

Living Well Today Magazine
Did not deliver ad as promised by sales rep, breach of contract, continuing to bill for invoice amount

PCDI - Professional Career Development Institute
Breach Of Contract Ripoff

Vehicle Protection Plan
Fraud Contract term, Breach of contract

Owners Self Finance
Total Breach of Contract

Greg Heyne
Breach of Contract, Fraud, Lies, Threats, ripoff Theft

Breach of Contract

Ripoff contract issues, failure to provide pay breach of contract