Living Well Today Magazine
Did not deliver ad as promised by sales rep, breach of contract, continuing to bill for invoice amount


I too was contacted by a pursuasive sales representative with a fantastic offer for advertising. Sounded too good to be true and wish I had searched the web and seen these rip off reports before agreeing. My story is the same as the others. The Ad was promised, the ad did not show up in Dec as promised, I sent a certified letter for breach of contract and informed them that I would not be paying. The ad did show up once in mid January, and has not shown up since in subsequent issue. They breached the contract, but wont stop harrasing me with bills and threats to report on my credit. I will also be filing a small claims suit for the $199. I would like to know how others were sucessful in stopping the billing and potential credit reporting. I don't want to pay high legal fees for a lawyer to write a letter. (but thay may be what helps) I'm sending another certified letter this week, and will build my file with all the information on the case to show due dilligence.

Company: Living Well Today Magazine
Country: USA
State: California
City: Chatsworth
Address: 9909 Topanga Canyon Blvd. STE 106
Phone: 8002669104
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