Ripoff Not For Most - Be Aware. 70 k salary would be darn tough without doing some underhanded and dishonest

Business & Finance

I recently signed up for Quixtar. The peron I signed "under", or my IBO, is not a good guy - really. He doesn't have much to offer in the way of expanded wealth.

Now, this guy is making $1000.00 or more (not sure how much more) per month, or so he says. He works 80 hours a week and doesn't see his new baby all that often. Here's the "rub"; he claims he is doing this to see his family more.

If you look at the stats, most of these folks don't make over 50k - ever. I make 75k in my current job and a bunch more in the stock market. I saw a few things I could by from Quixtar that were cheaper than the name brands and worked as well. So I signed up and will maybe save 200-500 per/year. If I find a prosperous B2B opportunity I may make an additional $500.00 per month.

The above example is not common. Most make nothing and spend more than they would under "normal" circumstances on the same junk.

Just be AWARE!!! To replace a 70 k salary would be darn tough without doing some underhanded and dishonest selling.

Peace and good luck.

Company: Quixtar
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Site: www.quixtar.com
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