Citizens Bank
MTG originato

Business & Finance

THE MTG inventor LAYING to my encounter after I had no data before me. It was 11/15 @ 10am @ the People bank in Marshfield. A lying wench, the mtg inventor, explained People had no fixed 10yr mtg. THEY'D reified me 16 weeks earlier but still desired complete evaluation/refi - costs of 1400, then she supported it right down to 1200. I am wishing to achieve my mtg from these lying thieves.

Company: Citizens Bank
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Marshfield
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Scam and fraud!

Power tree corp
3 G Equity Invention Stolen

Patent And Trademark Institute Of America - Inventor's Help Line
Ripoff, misleading, dishonest

Overcharging, lying on phone, terrible customer servive

Better Bulldog Breeders Association
Watch out for lying Canada people

Lying thieves steal your money!

United States Patent And Trade Institute, Invent Connect, United Licensing Corp, Inventor's Helpl
United States Patent And Trade Institute, Invent Connect, United Licensing Company Inventor's Helpl Victim of Inventor's Ripoff Scam

Patent And Trademark Institute Of America - Inventor's Help Line - Paul Kokoris
They rip off inventors. Not by stealing ideas, but by misleading or being dishonest about patent/trademark process and outcome

Heeltastic - heeltastic

Invent-tech (Digital Picture Frame Scam)
They stole my idea and tried to kill me