Pitney Bowes Mailing System Lease
Illegal Lease

Business & Finance

Be Cautious if Pitney Bowes sends you a deal!!! I minimized my organization from 10 to at least one individual (me) 3 years before, with no longer required a PB program. Lo and see when attempting to stop my agreement, I discover that PB deliver a lease renewal contract to some former worker who'd no expert to complete something with respect to the organization. The Worker closed the rent 2 yrs before when it had been simply myself and her. Works out it had been a five-year renewal rent. And at $200 per fraction, which was a $4,000 rent to get a POS postage printing device.in talking with PB local sales supervisor, he recommended that after workers sign these reneal rents, they're unacceptable. I delivered the machine back, and stated stop anything and demonstrated it using the signatures they illegally phished to obtain. Nowadays, you know what, we get switched to selections so the battle is between selections and my company. Take it on, suckers! Do items cheaper and do your study. PREVENT the corporation such as the trouble - as that's the only path these men may walk out company. Discuss working the great people of the nation. Unhappy.

Company: Pitney Bowes Mailing System Lease
Country: USA
State: California
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