Household Mortgage Services
Didn't credit payment to my account. Rip-off!

Business & Finance

I have been trying to get this company to apply a payment from a couple of months ago to my account. I'm getting late notices from them, and my statement shows I'm a month behind despite the fact that they've cashed all the checks. I just made a payment through "Customer Service" (an oxymoron) just so I wouldn't be charged as delinquent, but it cost me an extra $10 to do so!

I've faxed copies of the cancelled check twice in the past three for the payment they said I've missed, but they still haven't credited it. Their rep just told me it would be a couple of weeks before they had an answer for me. This is the crappiest company I think I've ever dealt with!

Company: Household Mortgage Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Brandon
Phone: 8133337023
Site: www.householdmortgage
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