Regions Bank
Ready Advance Beware

Business & Finance

I used the ready advance product and learned the hard way this product is a scam which is very costly and only leads customers to racking up additional fees with Regions making it impossible to get away from the product. I used the product for an $500.00 advance with a $50.00 fee the site states the loans are availible up to 35 days. My nightmare began when I toold out the $500.00 advance on Oct 21 I had a deposit occur of $125 on Oct 24 which Regions automaticaly applied this deposit to the loan ok I thought the loan was only open for one business day. On Nov 1 I had a deposit occur of $830 and had transactions posting to the deposit which after the posting there were funds availible to post to the loan. I also had another deposit the following day of $525 which covered the rest of the loan due but that was not sufficient for regions greed to recieve their payback plus fees. Since regions took the entire ammount out of the $830 deposit I was assessed $72.00 in fees I called the bank line to discuss the problem and the following day deposit was already showing on my balance to deposit. I was treated rudely by one CSR and and 2 $18 credits were applied I informed him I was not satisfied and requested to speak to a mgr since the fees werent necessary and verbage on the site was misleading I was hassled for a considerable time then transffered. I spoke with the mgr he proceeded to be rude insensitive to the concerns anything I read from the website he would argue and twist to benefit Regions therefore I asked to speak to a mgr above him he proceeded to hassle me. I informed him the product needed reporting to the office of financial regulation he informed me Regions had large lawyer firms and continued his hassling in intent for me to hang up. I finally was transfered to another manager which I thought I made progress explained the problems I had she seemed if she understood the complain of the eraticness of payments deducted form the account assured me the problem would be taken to Regions board we discussed options for this not to occur and she explained it may be a few months before a change occurs but it would be presented and customer concerns matter she did refund a $36.00 fee in addition to the 2-$18 fees. I thought maybe the 131 minutes I spent on the phone would make a difference wrong. Apparently as retaliation of my dispute over the charges and way the repayment was done paying regions first them my transactions causing OD Regions then rejected 3 already posted transaction returning them creating now a whoping $108 in fees, merchant fees, and stress now making the total $258 for a 10 day loan. I called this morning was informed I could not be given the managers telephone number or contact info my info would be forwarded to her she would call me its now almost 2 pm and no call. The verbage of the terminology is misleading on the website and the repayment terms is ridiculous considering 1 business day after the loan was taken regions was deducting payment and then cited that since my daily transactions were approx $40 less than the Ready Advance aammount due the items would post incurring fees if they totaled over the loan ammount the loan payment would not have been drafted. I thought this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard considering I had a deposit which was acessable the next day for Regions to access that would not have caused the fees. Regions has no common sense or interest in retaining customers. If you have had this product and sufffered problems like I have file complaint with the Florida Office Of Financial Regulation to hopefully stop Regions from taking advantage of its customers. Regions focus currently in issuing as manny fees as possible instead of retaining customers.

Company: Regions Bank
Country: USA
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(cgegxt@email. securebank. Aspx
Consumer Report