E-Credit Sloutions
E Credit Solutions aka Capital Credit Consumers Credit Rip Off... And Unfixable

Business & Finance

This company decieves customers into having to buy several thousand dollars in merchandise 4 thousand to be exact (don't pass out, it is true!), and making payments on it in oder to 'gain' a bank visa card... The thing that they advertise.

You will be sent an auto club card and merchandise card that are also virtually impossible to cancel. This company has many disconnected numbers.
I called
1-800-866-4599 originally; it was on a post card
this is disconnected.
The number 1-866-793-6835 for customer service does work, but you have to stay on the line very long. The people that answer give you many delays, such as "call back in five business days" and this of course never is resolved

I'm in process of having my bank block them and also to revoke the 200.00 they had my put down to get my card. This may work for you also, but you have to do it immediatly.

E-Credit Solutions, Inc.
7349 NW 34th street
Miami, FL 33122

Company: E-Credit Sloutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 7349 NW 34th Street
Phone: 18667936835
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