Hoboprince economic program
What a disapointment Internet

Business & Finance

I agree with the first report. I thought it was 2 good 2 be true and now i am seeing that it was. I dont understand why saku bell would try to scam people when the country is in such turmoil?

I signed up in end of august and all i here is "we are still working on this". Where is my money and where is all the "billions" of dollars you say you have? If you have this money you should be able to pay us.

I am upset with myself for getting caught up in a scam. Saku bell i hope you enjoy all the money you are making off all of us hard working people. I hope that when you get caught you will think about all of us that you scammed.

It says money back guarantee on your web site. Why dont you be a man and live up to what you say! I would be up to the class action suit the other person that got scammed from saku bell suggested.

If you are thinking about signing up for this "program", please dont. Save your 25.00. I wish i would have.

Very Betrayed

Company: Hoboprince economic program
Country: USA
Site: hoboprince.com
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Hobo Prince Economic Project
Be-rio.info Shelby "Saku" Bell is a fraud and a scam

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Oan Services
Ripoff slipped a bill into my Bell South telephone bill for $29.86 for email service which i never ordered. How sneaky is that! I'm not paying it. Why is there no leagal action to take aganist these companies! We need to do this!

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