Lending Tree - Csx Mortgage
Csx mortgage - lending tree ripoff - run around internet

Business & Finance

A friend tried to get a home loan through LENDING TREE and wasted 3 months time on these people. The home she had in mind to purchase was through HUD and if you know anything about purchasing a HUD home you know that time is a factor. Once she'd won the bid she then set about trying to get the loan.

She was told on 2 different occasions that the loan had been approved. The first time she was even given a closing date.

Each time, at the last minute, she was asked to produce another form, then another form. She produced what they claimed they needed to complete the process each time. Both times a Rep. Of the company's named KEVIN assured her everything was in place to proceed with the closing and everytime she ran into a brick wall. This KEVIN even admitted to her that the underwriter was just purposely being difficult. That the underwriter didn't like him personally.

Once she lost the house because of LENDING TREE'S untimely way of doing business. She ended up having to re-submit her bid because HUD had reposted the house back onto their website to be sold.

She working with a reputable company now so I've got my fingers crossed for her.

Company: Lending Tree - Csx Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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