Cash - Cash Now - Cash Now
(Miro Zecevic) Illegal franchise rip-off! Doylestown

Business & Finance

This company violates multiple sections of the Federal Trade Commission Franchise rule to keep you from discovering their fraudulent intentions. They say they have a complete Turn Key payday loan system but deliver a product that fails to meet state and federal requirements. They also instruct you in business practices that are illegal in most states and/or violate rules governing collections and ACH transactions.

They have been sanctioned for selling illegal franchises in California, Washington, Wisconsin and Illinois and are currently under investigation by the State of Virginia for deceptive trade practices. Ask them for a list of current or former franchise members and watch their deceptive two-step begin.

They say they have over 50 franchises but may give you only one or two names of people who they think might give them a positive response. Ask them for the names of all the Texas, Colorado, Virgina, California, Wisconsin and Nebraska folks who have been ripped off by this company. Ask them about their lawsuits in Virginia and Florida. Do not give them any money before they make their disclosures to you as they are required to do. If they don't provide this info, then walk away knowing you just saved $5,000 - $40,000.

Company: Cash - Cash Now - Cash Now
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: 2005 Easton Rd
Address: 3100 Steels Ave East, Suite 201 Toronto, Ontario L3R, 8T9 Canada
Phone: 8667632274
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