Central Credit Services
Mike ripoff You will have to answer to God someday! Mike Stevens for treating people with such disrespect! Saint Charles

Business & Finance

All I would like to say is this man Mike Stevens at Central Credit Servidces, Inc. Must have the most horrible life in the world. I would not be able to look myself in the face if I were as nasty and hateful as him. Some people who have money problems are not doing it on purpose. They are still good people who would like to make good on bad situations. Since Mike will only threaten and hang up on people it is hard to believe he is still in buissness.

Everyone pray for this man.

If you are forced to deal with him in regards to a Circuit City account and you really want to make good on it just make a payment at Circuit City. They will take it and then send him a letter disputeing the debt amount. It will buy you some time. This man is trully the worst person I have ever talked to in my life!

St louis, Missouri

Company: Central Credit Services
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St Charles
Address: 67 Charleston Square
Phone: 6364771400
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Central Credit Services
Ripoff harassing, degrading, attacking, moneyhungry mike stevens saint charles

Circuit City
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