Aurora Loan Services
WILL take your home and keep all your equity!

Business & Finance

My husband got behind on our house payment, and thinking he could get it straightened out without worrying me, tried to deal amicably with Aurora Loan Services. They had bought our mortgage about 6 months before my husband got behind.

Instead of working with him, they made it impossible for him to call them, refused to try and work out a repayment plan and finally foreclosed on our home. All without a single, solitary word to me, the joint homeowner. Nope, not a certified letter, not a phone call, nothing.

The first I knew of it was on a cold Saturday morning when I answered the front door to an eviction notice! Aurora Loan Services did NOT publish the notice of public sale of our house in either of the two newspapers that publish in our county of residence. (One's a weekly, one's a daily.)

And, here's a twist... The only bidder at auction and the ultimate buyer of the house was, you guessed it, Aurora Loan Services! They have kept all the equity I had in the house and I am now bringing a lawsuit against them to recover every single thing I've lost due to them. If your mortgage gets sold to these people, sell your house NOW and move!!

Company: Aurora Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Scottsbluff
Address: P.O. Box 1706
Phone: 8005500508
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Aurora Loan Services
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Aurora Loan Services
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Aurora Loan Services
Loan modification

Aurora Loan Services
They’re the worst

Aurora Loan Services
Rip off

Aurora Loan Service

Aurora Loan Services
Aurora Loan Services is not in the business of helping homeowners

Aurora Loan Services
Deceptive practices and not following up with promises