Co-operators Insurance
Cooperators Insurance, Coop Insurance, Co-op Insurance Cooperators is one of the biggest rip off companies there is, but then aggain they are all bad

Business & Finance

Insurance coverage is a rip off. The govt should nationalize it. The ins.Co. Collect your premiums and manage the claim ratio and whatever is left is their "profit" not withstanding they don't cover you for the policy they sell you. If you have a fire, let the house burn down cuz it's easier to substantiate a total loss than going thru all your stuff to, then fight your ins.Co. On what is damaged and what is not. They screw you in the end and then cancel you. Anyone tell you differently is only blowing smoke up your rear. Cooperators is one of the biggest rip off companies there is, but then aggain they are all bad.

Company: Co-operators Insurance
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Guelph
Address: 130 MacDonnell Street
Phone: 5198244400
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