Wells Fargo
Wellsfargo.com Incompetant Liars Internet

Business & Finance

On Thursday the 8/4 i viewed my account online and it had "check" go thru for 99.00I immediately called customer service and they froze the account. AN dopeend an new one and I was told it wold be transparent. I called to more time and was assure dmy paycheck going it at midnight would not be a problem funds would be available after 3pm Friday the 5th. I went to a branch and was assured the same thing. On Saturday I called again and no funds availalbe and so I went to a branch in Pueblo and watched one personal banker texting on his phone and another walked by me as if I did not exist. I said excuse me I would like to talk to a manger and he said I can help he also was a personal banker named Anthony Caliglari. He di nothing and told me my money would not be availalbe until Tuesday. My paycheck was a direct deposit and I had no access to any money at all and feel they owe me for all the lies and hassle but more than anything I just want my paycheck.

I made a totasl pf 12 phone calls. After I left the Pueblo branch I called back for teh manager and an ADonna finally came I said I want to complainabout Anthonys attitude as well as this whole issue and she took my number and said she would call back and of course did not.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
Site: wellsfargo.com
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