Wells Fargo
Called me at work 18 times in one day!

Business & Finance

I work as a Personal Banker and the other day some of my colleagues approached me to let me know that they kept receiving phone calls in the Branch with an automated recording that said something to the effect of "this is Wells Fargo and this call is for... (my name). You are delinquent on your payment...). I immediately looked at our phones caller id and realized that Wells Fargo called my place of employment 18 times on the same day, and other days as well. I frantically called WF back to find out what was going on, since i have several loans & line of credit with them, but nobody could give me a reason for the calls.

I am a banker! I can loose my job for not managing my finances properly, how dare they!!!

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
Site: wellsfargo.com
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