Aurora Loan Services, Inc
Ripoff unfair business tactics and criminal acts reporting misinformation to the credit bureau's giving negative history's, late chrges, escrow monies withheld

Business & Finance

I'm am filing a report to let you know that this company Aurora Loan Services, Inc. Is affiliated with Lehman Brothers Lender who is also affiliated with Fair Banks Mortgage Florida who Lehman Brothers is the main lender that also lends to Aurora Loan Services, Inc. Fair Banks Mortgage company is under a forty-million dollar class action law suite for the same tactics Aurora Loan Services has pulled on all these people listed on your web including myself. I want everyone to know that this company has reported numerous late fees and negative credit reports on all of these people including myself. Has withheld escrow monies owed to me for the past three years which I have received letters from Aurora stating I have a surplus in X amount of dollars and to date have not received a penny of it. Also they have claimed I owed them over $1200.00 dollars in late fees and have not given me in black in white how they derived at this figure? I had given my retirement money that was my only nest for retirement because they told me I needed to pay them immediately or they would foreclose on my home. I found out it was because they didn't receive some of my monthly payments. I spoke to a representative there and after her review of my account she had found out that they misapplied my payments four times. She had to back the payments out and reapply them to the right account. They never updated their records and it showed continually that I was late due to their error of misapplied payments. Which I have a copy on my statement they sent me showing the misapplied payments. Which now they denie I had sent them a certified letter requesting this information on the dollar amount asking them how they derived at this $1200.00 dollar amount of theses late fee's to date no response no resolution. I had a representative working on this and when I called back I was told she no longer worked for the company. I have been continually shuffled around and given different representatives that had no idea what I was talking about and was spoken to very unprofessionally and just flat out rude! I have been sparring with this company for three years they have kept my escrow money, charged me astronomical payments and late fees unjustified, would not drop my PMI I have been in this home ten years, they have reported a negative credit history to the credit bureau. I am extremely frustrated for the run around and red tape that I continually encounter when trying to resolve this matter. Plus I want to refinance my home and now having trouble because of the misinformation of a negative report Aurora has put on the credit bureau report. Our channel 2 news here in Atlanta Mr. Jim Strickland did a report on Fairbanks mortgage company that is affiliated with Lehman Brothers Lender who also used the same unethical business tactics as Aurora Loan Services Inc. Has been involved in doing the same and continues to practice these unfair business tactics and criminal acts of reporting misinformation to the credit bureau's giving negative history's on numerous people all over the USA. I have contacted the Federal Trade Commission to investigate this matter. And urge all of the same people that have had this injustice done to them to contact them immediately! They will investigate all complaints against Aurora Loan Services, Inc. Located in Aurora, Colorado
Point of issues: PMI, Escrow, Credit Report, Late Charges

Aurora Loan Services, Inc.
2530 S. Parker Road Ste 601
Aurora, CO 80014
Aurora Loan Services, Inc. LATE CHARGES
601 Fifth Avenue
Scottsbluff, NE 69363-1706

Phone #'s 1-800-550-0509
1-800-776-9361 X's - 2343,2221, 2356,2391, 2188
Fax: 1-800-308-632-4287 customer services

I have names, dates, and times and extensions, when I have spoken to these representatives. Copies of all correspondence, and checks. I'm ready for a class action law suite against Aurora Loan Services, Inc. For all the badbusiness
tactics against the consumers they have rippedoff!!!

Loganville, Georgia

Company: Aurora Loan Services, Inc
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Scottsbluff
Address: 601 5th Avenue
Phone: 3086353500
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Aurora Loan Services
Lehman Brothers Unclear, threatening, deceptive practice

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Aurora Loan Services
Aurora Loan took $50,000 in mortgage payments, forclosed our home, and never reported to the credit bureau!

Aurora Loan Services, A Lehman Brothers Company
Escrow / interest rip off, nothing applied to principal

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Aurora Loan Lehman Bros charged mtg. Set up fees payments not paid, payments were pd. Early late charges. Threatened to ruin my credit, telephone harassment

Aurora Loan Services
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Aurora Loan Services/lehman Brothers
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Owned by Lehman Brothers New York

Aurora Loan Services - Lehman Bank
Aurora Loan Services - Lehman Brothers Bank How to file complaints against Aurora Loan Services or Lehman Bros. Bank