Imperial Benefits
Aka Imperial Consumer Benefits Aka Beneficial Client Care ripoff-Imperial Benefits took my money and did not deliver product. Fraud committed. Extortion committed

Business & Finance

I had been using a not for profit Consumer counseling service to pay off some debts incurred during a disability from work. It was a 3 year contract and I only had a couple of months left
to pay.

I received a phone call from a company identifying itself as Imperial Benefits. They said they worked with people helping them to reestablish their credit.

They said that they had a program thatwould send me an interest free Mastercard which would allow me to charge items and pay them off with NO interest.

They further explained that a one time fee or "membership" payment of $279.00 was required and within a month I would receive the package with all the details and my Mastercard.

The telemarketer was very slick assigning me a program number and had someone else call me back to verify the contract and assigned me a verified contract # 646825.

A month passed and then a couple more weeks and finally I called them at the phone number that they gave me. After being on hold for a long period of time I finally spoke to someone and told him I did not receive my package or credit card.

I was issued an immediate apology and asked what I wanted them to do. I told him that I wanted my product which they had already debitted my bank for.

I was told I should receive it within 2 weeks and I asked the individual for his name. Oddly enough he told me that his name was "Jesse James" and we joked that it was an outlaws' name.

I was stupid enough not to realize what he apparently was actually telling me, that he was knowingly ripping me off. But because I actually did get to speak with someone at the phone number provided I was still trusting this company.

Now after not receiving anything for the second time promised, it became clear that I had been ripped off. Apparently this scam is still going on because the phone number is still connected although I didn't have the patience to wait to talk to "Jesse James" again.

Something needs to be done to stop this fraud. I am really mad at myself for being SOOOO STUPID!!! I know there are a lot of people more gullible than me that are probably having money extorted from them. It needs to stop!

Company: Imperial Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: P.O. Box 2488
Phone: 8662332688
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Imperial Benefits
Ripoff by imperial benefits

Imperial Benefit
Ripoff Imperial benefit ask me if i want mastercard with 3000 limit just a one time fee 279

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff, scammed, lies

Imperial Benefits

Imperial Benefits
Imperial Benifits ripoff

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff! Misleading!

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff innocent people of $279

Imperial Benefits

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff New York

Imperial Benefits
Imperial benefits must be stopped!