A company that feeds off individuals moments of financial stress! Appears to be honest site, when there is a underline trick.!

Business & Finance

My Hubby and I need some extra cash. I came across the quick cash payday loans online. After reading website they seemed to be a confidental, trusting and straight forward company. They approve us for $200.00 with $40.00 fee/interest. This was a good deal $20.00 on every $100.00 payment was to be taken out on our next pay, since we got paid weekly.
I checked my account the next week to make sure they got payment. Yes $55.00 was taking out. Ok so I figured they would go in each week until the loan is paid (no more than 4 transaction) well that was as simple as they said. Wrong so so so wrong... I happen to check my account further down the line and found out Yellowdale was still taking $55.00 out each week. Total $440.00 was taking out my account. I was floored!!!
My husband and I got online and found our log in information to access the account with them, it stated amount we borrowed $200.00 that we currently owed $200.00 and interest $110.00. It also showed the payments the took and the next payment pending. There was no terms and conditions nor a contract agreement to be found on our account. I called them quickly!!!
The yellowdale rep/supervisor Perry was rude and told us if we read terms it stated we have to call the company to setup a repayment plan... THIS IS BS!!! The page I hit accept showed just what I stated above $200 due back $240 payment next pay period. He stated we still owed them $200.00 which means total given to them $640.00.
This has to STOP... It should be notify in bold right by the accept button that you will have to call in to setup payment or you will be charge fee until you do. Any free trail cramp online/over phone has to make you aware of the end date to cancel, UP FRONT, or you will be charge.
Not only did the get extra money they also sent my information out to BUTT LOAD of people. We got calls and text messages about school, car loans and even someone threaten to take us to court for online loan done last year, before I even knew about online loans. These people have all our information. I feel so used and stupid for messing with such a thing... Please dont do it... This is a warning... This has got to stop!!!

Company: Yellowdale
Country: USA
Phone: 8667961788
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Yellowdale prepare to cancel bank accounts and change your phone number if you get a loan
Yellow dale com! Fraudulent! Ripoff! Scam! Company! They say they are lending you money but for a $200 loan take $1000.00 out in interest when they say your only paying back $75.00 on a $200
Thieves, thieves, thieves! Don't trust this company!

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