Sidell Law PC
American, creative, moss sidell all 3 companies are at the same location, 233 needham st. Suite 300, newton, they claim to be not affiliated?

Business & Finance

Over a year ago i signed up with american consuiltants and my salesperson jerry collected 1600 dollars from me at my home. Now I am told it's not the same company but the same people are working there at the same address. I got a letter 2 mos ago saying my case was transfered out of state to someone by the name of Phil who isn't an attorney and said the attorney has abandoned the files.
Also, the radio ads with attorney Sidell are still running almost everyday. I can't get a straight answer from jerry on whats going on and attorney sidell does not return phone calls, but he brags on the radio aabout all his bank connections, if that was true why isn't my home taken care of. I am reporting him to the better business bureu and the radio station WBZ. He should be off the air, how can he get new people and not finish the ones hanging.
I know work was done on my case because my bank said we needed some new paperwork but I can't figure this whole thing out-these are real slick characters-all I want is my home finished. Jerry has been telling me for months I can come in but they want new paperwork and i'm sure a new check. Has anyone had this problem? What did you do?

Company: Sidell Law PC
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Newton
Address: 233 needham Street suite 300
Phone: 6172029069
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Sidell Law PC
Moss sidell, American Consultants I have been getting the runaround for 2 months from the salesperson Jerry Mayer and Moss sidell

Moss Sidell, Attorney
Creative loan modification Moss sidell is a liar and a thief

Moss sidell
American consultants I dont think an attorney is still working my case? Does anyone know what happened with Sidell? He doesnt return my calls

Sidell Law PC
Moss sidell Sidell has ignored all calls, " he put me through hell"

Sidell law pc, american consultants
Moss sidell we thought we would get help with this attorney who brags on the radio, we got scammed royally, he is a buffoon!

Sidell Law Pc, moss sidell
Jerry maer this thief sidells wife is also suing him in supreme court in another state, its on google, probably for our monies paid to this crook!

Moss Sidell, Attorney
Creative loan modification sidell's scam is now online in the globe

Sidell Law Pc, moss sidell, creative loan mod
Moss sidell Sidell lied in small claims court by AG and Bar association are hot on his tail

Sidell law pc, american
Creative loan modification sidell lied again, he called me in to charge me more illegal upfront fees

Sidell Law P.C. Moss Sidell
American I called the Ag's office for a reference and was told not to do business with Sidell law for a modification