National Money Store
Fraud Alert

Business & Finance

I borrowed money from the National Money Store when I was in a bind. They were kind enough to help, however, they have consistently taken money from my checking account without my permission. I have asked them to discontinue and they refuse because they state that I still owe a balance. I borrowed $350 from them in March and they have already taken $653.48 from my account and that should be sufficient payment to them for my loan. They now state that I still owe $343.74 which is a total of $997.32 for a $350 loan. This is outrageous. How can a company defraud its customers? Why are they not willing to stop the future transactions?

I have already filed a complaint with my financial institution and am also going to close the account so that no future payments are deducted, however, this is a lot of unnecessary work on my part because now I have to notify all of my debtors to change the information where they are deducting from. This is absurd and they need to be reprimanded for such rude, and obstruct behavior. They are a scam and are taking innocent people's money at will, even when they've been asked not to. They do not have my permission to deduct anymore funds, however, they are not willing to stop. Please investigate and contact me with any questions as I have all of the information you will need to prosecute such idiots.

Company: National Money Store
Country: USA
Phone: 8779137500
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