Equity One Inc
Unfair Collection of debt Act and Unfair credit reporting Act Marlton

Business & Finance

After working with a few home loan banks for a new house, they have been working very close with me and the fraud that equity one just pulled. This is the third closing I have lost this year every time I have corrected my credit report. The banks I work with (on the last house contract I lost) was a waste of their time and effort and personal grief which Equity One Inc. Has caused my wife more than me. Enough is enough with their false representation of the truth.

After my complaint with WTC. GOV, WTC told me to bring this matter to HUD's attention, as well as the attorney generals office in my state. Below is the overview I sent to Equity one Inc. Out of frustration, and still not call back or response to my complaint. I hope HUD has the power to put Equity One in their place or straight out their business practices. Please let me know what HUD can do for me, My wife cried for days out of false credit bureau submitted information making us loss the house closing for the third time.

Also I am getting a lawyer who took on Fleet, He will review my info and Documents, And I hope I am able to bring Equity One Inc. To court over my damages to the better Price and interst rates I could have gotten to begin with. If I was to get a loan at 6% and later all that is available is 8.3% I hope to make Equity One Inc. Fit the Difference of the Price for the Life of the loan Plus the Other Loss in money damages they have caused me. I do not have a Attorney picked out 100% but it is very hard to find one, willing to take on Equity One Inc.
Most attorneys handle before the backruptcy, and it is very hard to find an attorney to defend your rights in the aftermath.

Sent: Friday, February 27 2:59 AM
Subject: Equity One Inc. Unfair credit reporting

To whom it may concern at Equity One, Inc.

And to all who will receive this letter here after.
I will be building a case against Equity One Inc.
Not Unless Equity One Wishes to Fix their Wrong Doing.

Since I have called you company today and the VP Melissa was to call me back after their meeting they had today.
I guess you can tell know one called me back and I am tired of getting the run around with Equity One Inc.
I put a Claim in with WTC. GOV today.
Also BBB, HUD, and many more are to come Friday morning. That I will report on your company practices.

Here is just a verbal recap from mental memory, the stack of Equity One Inc. Papers can speak for themselves and are in a pile ready to send out. This is just a basic run down touching key points to my disgust of how Equity One Inc.

So the world know I lived in this house since I was 5 years old, and it meant a lot to me. And I wanted to raise my kids in the same house that was in the family.
I had AAA credit while living in NY.
Primary mortgage was HSBC VA loan form Marine Midland bank
Orig. Secondary Mortgage was Home Cummings Financial

* 1st month With Equity One *
Equity One Inc purchased my seconded Mortgage with no notice to me, sending me a letter in the mail that I was delinquent of payment and they were going to face legal on my home. GET that after one month.

"I laughed at them and called the number on the notice to tell them who the hell do they think they are! I have no loan with you" Then to my unfortunate findings that Equity one was now my new second mortgage company after a month. My check was sent to the old company at that time in the mail to the old holder the same month that they transferred holders, I talked with Equity One on the phone that that check was mailed to the first holder and they needed to get that payment from them. They fought with me to pay a second time for the same month to them. They demanded that payment or they were going to take action.
Equity One Inc. Representative Lewis Chavez said that makes me one month late with Equity One. I said so be it, all I know was I paid that month already, be it to you or them.

(at that time I was not aware of Fair collection of debt acts under federal law - but as of February I am more understanding looking back at many of the practices played on my Wife and me were against the law) And after my wife called back a female told my wife calm down it is just a scare tactics to make the person know Equity One Inc. Means business, Unfortunately the next day my wife request to talk with the same girl and found out that person no longer worked there. Equity one has a practice to record the conversations and most likely fired her for that or she left.

I called the VA dept in Vermont and told them what they were pulling, the VA called them and Equity One Inc. Paused the actions of equity one for a while and a few months it was quite.

* About 3 to 4 months of have Equity One as a holder *
Now About three or four months into dealing with Phone calls from Equity One Inc.
NOTE I HAVE DOCUMENT OF MY CHECKS AND OF EQUITY ONE INC. PAYMENT PRINTOUTS FAXED TO ME COVERING THAT TIME PERIOD FROM EQUITY ONE we received another disturbing phone call how we were late charged a payment on a month and the check was cashed many days before the due date!!! After that discussion I told my wife we would refinance to get rid of Equity One and report them to the Better Business Bureau

That same week after I also had gone to the gas station to use my Exxon gas card and it was declined. "Note that card is used to total all gas cost for the end of the year towards mileage use and maintenance for a tax write off"
I called Exxon and it was agreed I was in great standing with them and I have always paid my bill on time. But said we have to decline your privilege because I had a problem on my credit report with my Mortgage!?!"
I was Quick to call HSBC my first Mortgage Company "What's Wrong?" HSBC replied, "Nothing you loan is up to date, everything is fine?"

EQUITY ONE SUBMITTED something on my credit report that I was in bad standing with them on the mortgage payment. And I would be a HIGH risk to work with. NOTE these actions of equity one defecated my financial character.

NOW I Could not even get rid of equity one if I tried.
And what over a transaction the first mortgage holder to Equity One?
Think of all those credit cards were you transfer $800.00 from a $2000.00 credit line to a lower interest rate and no annual fee. Well Equity One Black bald my credit that no those cards ran out and went to 23% or 24% with annual fees. I now had no credit rating to get those promotions to transfer to special introduction rates.

* About 9-10 months of Equity One Inc. As the 2nd holder.*

Well the economy was getting bad, Then my seconded Daughter One week after 9-11 was born, "for crying out loud, I was supposed to have been working at the bottom of that disaster that morning but was delayed at my office that day."
" Don't get me wrong I am not crying 9-11, But I am saying with all that and the anthrax mail delivery hang ups, yes some mail was slow getting to its destination."
OCTOBER EQUITY ONE INC. Calls again" WE did not Get your last months Payment, so we need from you is last months payment AND this months payment right now over the phone or we are taking legal action"- Equity One Inc.
"The check is in the mail and it was sent out over 3 weeks ago"-the Stransky's
"Unfortunately Mrs. Stransky the mail is not our problem, you are three months behind if you don't bring you account up to date"
I was like.
"Where are you getting three months? Last month is one month and this month is not even do yet?"- Stransky's
"Well you have always been one month behind since the transfer of the holders which is one month, last month will be two months and this month would be three, If you are three months behind hind we reserve the right to take legal action against your by putting a lien or foreclosing on your home!"- Equity One, Inc.
"My wife was upset already, she agreed to make a stop payment by Equity One Inc. On the check that was in the mail. Then to wire western union two months payments to them. That covers the Oct and November payments.
Well guess what early Dec my wife gets a phone call from a man saying to my wife we are foreclosing on your house, all the life was taken again from my wife.
"I got on the Phone with Equity One, and said I don't get how you people add? Please faxed me want you are looking at so I understand?"-Michael
SO EQUITY ONE DID FAX ME A COPY OF THE PAYMENT HISTORY. And I resume talking on the phone.
{I have the documents if any one would like copies}
. It goes something like this.
I seen how they had 11 months passed of having Equity One as the holder.—OK
And they were saying that I had only made ten Months worth of payments one late payment.

What it came down to was the dame check they told us to stop payment on, WELL Equity One tried CASHING the damn check which finally showed up. Since the check was no good they took one of the two wired payments and pulled it of as a bad payment and set me back a month again.

Any one of you reading this will understand count them 11 months have passed,
"Equity one shows twelve excepted Payments total from me and they say I am two months behind?"

I said WRONG that is 11 months with you, twelve payments have been taken by you Minus one canceled check making it 11 payments for 11 months so being this is now early December you should not even be calling me for december payment yet?

Well I am going to jump a year later, Equity one has BLACK BALLED MY CREDIT SO BAD, and another thing I found out the savings I had in my HSBC saving Account was ""ELECTRONICALLY WITHDRAWAL??? With out our knowledge"" kiss my saving good bye to who ever it was.
SO I MADE A CHOICE I WILL GO BANKRUPT, I would need to have money to go after whoever took my saving account. And you may not even win that case against a big bank and it could be drag out for months and months, by then you can loss the house and family cars!?!? True?

So the following June-July I started the processes to go bankrupt on my credit cards and keep my mortgages paid up.
By October of that year I was released from debt of my credit cards (5 or 7 of them). Bye the time I was release I had to make a hard choice, my job was not getting payroll checks in on time for the past 7 months, So I told my wife after Thanks-giving I will sell the house and moved off of Long Island and start over.
So the sign went up in December,
NOTE NY law you are only clear of those debts on the C list of your bankruptcies, and everything else you are accountable for. (equity one inc. Was not on that list file in NEW YORK were the property resided)

We were paying all the bills on time EQUITY ONE WAS EVEN PAID up to JANUARY remember that!!! Then our tax return of about $8700.00 was coming in February to pay any bills off and the moving truck to get to GA.
Well the End of January we did not get the statement for Febuary to pay Equity One Inc.? So we called

"No Mrs. Stransky the Note has been Liquidated you don't have to pay anything"- Lewis Chavez {end of call, my wife tells me later when I got home. That was the first time Equity One was ever so nice on the phone! ] BUT I MADE a comment

HERE IS NJ LAW on bankruptcies as long as your account is up to date, after the bankruptcy if you are two or four months behind in or to keep that account you must bring that account back up to date. AND WHICH IT WAS! Sep I was late, Oct I had been clear of chapter 7 in NY then all my payment to Equity One were brought up to dat in OCT, I pay Nov on time Then the same for Dec and Jan.

So How did Equity One Inc. Liquidate my note? Did they liquidate my note with New Jersey state as a loss then wanted nothing to do with me, even though I have the canceled checks and I was making payments. I called back Equity one Inc. And they said they where no longer allowed to communicate with me since they seen my SSN had a bankruptcy attached to it. I said What? That was in October and I have been paying you every month since!

GET this if Equity One wishes to business in New York are they not regulated to act in accordance with NEW YORK laws? They told be Equity One Inc. Reserves the right to put Included in bankruptcy on my credit report because NEW JERSY Law allows them to??? Think about it the business was handle in New York, The property was in New York, so how does New Jersey Over ride Property laws and Bankruptcy Laws in New York?
Well you got me stumped on that one

That's not good so I ran over to my Attorney office!
Well I told the real Estate Attorney what's up with that?
GET THIS he calls Equity One Inc. For a pay off amount and they refused to give him it and Equity One Refused monthly payment from "us" or to allow us to continue to make payments?


Because EQUITY ONE INC. Took it upon themselves, to included themselves in a bankruptcy that they were no part of. Equity One Was not even on the "C" list (for those who don't know, it the list of creditors you wish to file a bankruptcy against, and only those on that list"

My Attorney said "what's wrong with those people? What company would not want their money?"
But he did tell me in one way don't worry Mr. Stransky I will contact them legally that they are not part of any bankruptcy and get the final pay off amount from them.

By the end Off February I move down to GA. Started my new job, and try to set up a place HOME from my wife and children for the move, to have a roof over their head.
I visited with a loan officer and they said I would be able to only barrow up to $100,000.00 since the house in NY did not sell yet.
Ok no Problem My Real Estate Lawyer was given full power to handle the sale of the house and Equity One Inc.

The Attorney was able to get the payoff in May finally that year from Equity One Inc. And they never cash that Real estate check till a month after in June

March - April
My wife could not bare NY anymore and wish to come down to GA.in April and help pick out a place to call home.
Well the loan company was set to lend the money but there was this little problem now with Equity One Inc. They have it as foreclosure amount $50,000.00 on your credit report. As Charge off get this THEY GOT PAID!!!
Loan officer working with me for two months - I sorry Mr. And Mrs. Stransky, we cant help you now. Until you dispute it
And I did start working on it.

BUT, BUT, *^&%#$! THEY just got paid off?!?!?! SO I was to write the credit Bureau's and sending them the HUD papers stating how can you have a foreclosure on a paid off house (SOLD HOUSE)? And an amount owed when they where paid

Equity One Then puts it to the Credit Bureau as 50,000.00 Loss Debt. BOY NOW DON'T THAT JUST LOOK GREAT!!!
They got paid and made it look as if the amount owed was liquidated as an unpaid debt.

I NOW BUY A EQUIFAX SUBSCRIPTION and filed a complaint against Equity ONE inc reporting to be $50,000.00 with $0 owed {BECAUSE THEY WHERE PAID BACK IN FULL. And it was done so. Note - I am little happier

I lost the first House to move into at 6% interest for 130,000.00 So Equity One Inc. Not only put a bad repot in but also an incorrect one to the credit Bureau. Causing my damages of losing money getting a house and moving into to it. They tried putting my family out in the street in New York and they where trying to do it again!!!

Well I must put a roof over my family head so maybe I can get an Apartment? I THINK NOT They said Equity One Inc. Statement on my credit report show that I was a Bad risk to rent to Since I went Bankrupt with them (BUT I DID NOT AND THEY CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN BANKRUPTCY!)

Well at mid June I was able told Find one home and only one home to put my family in. The lady was a GOD Send! I have had a lease opt to buy contract with her and helping us get the best rate for purchasing the house from her.

* OK from June credit report till January My credit report went unchanged the load officers were ready to go to closing on a house to call home. Time to do the waiting game *
* Here is my final statement leading up to this!!!

Well after playing the wait game and my fico scores to go well over 640 Last month All the hard work the loan companies did and actually was going to closing today I opened the Real estate Contract from the mail with my wife over a cup of coffee and call the lender what time to be there to sign the closing tomorrow morning.

" SHE SAID I AM SORRY MR. Stransky, equity one has wasted our time again they just put in for all those months equity one inc. REFUSED PAYMENT FROM YOU FROM JAN Apr and put it on your credit report in the last 30 days that you made late/no payment from NOVEMBER - May making you a delinquent payer of over 120 days. And bringing your fico score to 599 one point below 600 cut off. Since Equity One has claim this falsely again it also makes the interest rate you will pay much higher then 8.3% of the Contract which your just lost."

So there goes some more pain and suffering from you again and damages you have cause me, my wife and the companies I was dealing with.

Just remember
i saved almost every copy of paperwork dealing with your company and am in the processes of scanning every peice to post up electronically if i have to for proof.


I know I am just a peon Equity One Inc's eyes. But here me, if I must let every other peon in America know how you treat people during your ventures and customer relations and how your treat peoples lively hoods well after the Fact.

This memo from mental memory, just plain and simple warning how equity one inc. Out of marton new jersey caused me an injustice, and damages of which i try to let them take corrective action to correct the false credit report against me and to fix it propmtly with notification of the resolve.

I called them and they simply blew me off on the phone.

If anyone can help me or other against Equity One Inc. Or other Big Companies in the after effects of what they do, It would be appreciated.

Thank you

Martinez, Georgia

Company: Equity One Inc
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Marlton New Jersey
Address: 301 Lippincott Drive
Phone: 8002733973
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