Clifton Group
NJ Melvin or Samatha Cash Advance Scam

Business & Finance

I received a call from Melvin saying that back in Nov. 2010 I had received a cash advance deposited into my bank and I have not repaid this advance. I explained that I have never received a cash advance and that he was wrong in his findings. He pressured me to make a settlement and that the attorneys will straighten it all out for $299.00.

I asked him why I should pay for something that I have never received and he said that he did not care but I would when they come and arrest me in front of my family and take my home. He also told me to be very careful and look over my shoulder because someone will come and get me soon. I knew that this was a scam and decided to mess with him.

I of course call my bank and explained that this person had my SS number, date of birth, bank account numbers and friends names for references and they researched my account and of course found no other deposits to this account other than my payroll checks. I then called the 3 credit bureaus to let them know that my ID has been compromised and to alert me of any action.

I called "Melvin" the next day to tell him I spoke with my bank and nothing has been done. I have closed that account. He of course did not care and after about a 20 minute conversation of battering back and forth I said that this phone conversation was recorded and I was sending it to my attorney. He started screaming and then hung up. Have not received another YET!

Company: Clifton Group
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Eaglewood
Address: 84 Haustin St
Phone: 18566778927
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