James R Phillips dba Pegasus Capital Management
OTTCO Holdings Is He a Liar, Cheat, Violent, Dangerous, Sociopath?

Business & Finance

We did business with this individual and this firm based on a number of impressive representations.

Unfortunately, we learned after it was too late and after we lost hundreds of thousands of dollars that he and his business partner/associate engaged in insouciant dishonesty and mendacious representation about his finances.

This individual's hands are doubly unclean. Not only did he materially mislead us and other investors and vendors about his personal finances, business relationships with high-profile investors, potential customers, and individuals, but he unquestionably committed numerous instances of fraud which is the subject of the underlying case.

Adding additional concerns, this individual acted in an extremely unstable and overtly threatening, intimidating, and hostile manner towards a number of people involved, including senior citizens and others.

We strongly urge anyone considering doing business with this individual and this firm to conduct thorough fact-checking and references before engaging or investing.

Company: James R Phillips dba Pegasus Capital Management
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Address: 610 Newport Center Dr #1285
Phone: 9494669368
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