$49.95 has been charged to our debit check card for months

Business & Finance

$49.95 continues to be billed to the money check card for weeks. I have never requested a offer and efforts to achieve this ensemble will be in vain. All day long today I had been informed, the moment I dialed the amount, that tracks were active. I'd like the costs ended.

Company: Grantfundingsource
Country: USA
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Non response of request of cancellation

Dinner Save Also
Double charged and stated they had record of but one, would not refund charge

Lux E-cig
2 weeks following the purchase I look for a pending cost on my card from their store

Co. Phone call to offer X amount of gasoline to review their offer, never sending anything to review, and immediately charging your debit card?

Advanced Acai
Unauthorized prices

Bank of America
Card Information used to make transaction at Gas Station

Kit Access
Success Grents this company listed for a trial offer you could use the site for 1.00 the other stated use for 2.95 however they ended up chargeing my credit card for 79.86 and lied that it stated this in the offer
Debit card fraud

Grant Funding Source
They made a cold call to me and I agreed to review their grant funding CD, since I just started college. They said it would cost $4.87 S&H charges, so I gave them my debit card number to cover these c