New Rules for Race Based Banking

Business & Finance

I am a customer at HSBC bank for many years. I am a life long resident of NYC.

Lately two branches in the Bronx, are using race based banking selectively.

One branch is in Co-op city, whose Manager is Mr. Gonzalez and the other one is on Boston Road whose Manager is Mr. Merwin.

Both banks it seems simply do not like African Americans banking there. They both have made banking a horrible experience for me, and I am sure others.

There are no visible signs in the bank where customers can complain about bad treatment.

If you ask to speak to a regional manager, no body in these two branches know who he is. They quickly refer you to the HSBC 800 number which becomes mission impossible.

When you open an account, HSBC roles out the red carpet.

Whenever I go into either of the above branches, when making a cash redrawal, the tellers advise me to apply for a bank card, then they add insult to injury by asking me to give the last four digits of my social security card number, mind you this is after signing the withdrawal slip in front of he or she.

Whats next should I also stand on my head! To withdraw my own cash!

I advise them both that my signature is good enough to do the transaction, since other HSBC's in the Bronx, and Westchester county, never give me any problems.

Mr. Merwin refused to give me my own cash, and was arrogant and indifferent, and Mr. Gonzalez said to my face, that my signature on file looks slightly different than the one on the withdrawal slip.

I was insulted and publically humiliated just to withdraw my own cash.

As a world renown expert in Science and Technology, any cryptologist will tell you that no human being on earth ever signs their signature the same at any time.

I feel that these two branches are practicing a very deceptive racially motivated possible illegal form of banking. HSBC should be ashamed of themselves.

HSBC should immediately fire both branch managers and put educated, and smart replacements who understand community banking and who also understands and follows HSBC internal banking policies cause the above two managers simply do not.

Company: Hsbc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Bronx
Address: 3478 Boston road
Phone: 7188824900
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