Liberty National Kingsport Office
Gary Watkins, Pat Williams shuffles out agents after getting them to do their running and recruiting of new businesses for them

Business & Finance

This is a networking type scam but one where you end up with nothing but a lot of money spent on schooling, licenses and gas, as they get you to do the driving for them while they take you (in your car) in far out in areas to train, causing you to have to deliver all the no cost policies that earn you nothing. They operate by Monday Morning shame meetings, embarrassing agents in front of each other who don't do what they want done.

Their numbers don't work; they will tell you that for every 40 businesses you contact, you will get one client. That isn't even close. It's more like 100-200 and then the money you spend on gas getting all the no cost/no commission policies out to them make it a net loss.

Turnover rate is extremely high here!

They also don't tell you upfront that you only get 30 - 50% of your 60% commission and the rest goes into an "escrow account" paid out to you by 6% each week. This, they say, is to cover the fall off business that you have, which is a lot, and which gets charged back to you.

Gary is also extremely cheap, making his agents use b/w photocopies of the color brochures the company provides.

Their Medicare Suppliment policies run about $80 more per month than what other companies charge for the same thing. They say it is due to the personal service that the customer gets, with the agent coming to their home, instead of them having to talk to a customer service rep on the phone and getting stuff by mail. And guess who gets to do that for free? Yeah, YOU DO! With YOUR TIME, YOUR GAS and NO PAY!

This is just a scam to get you to do their footwork for them. You get to service their existing clients, doing numerous re-enrollments that bring little to no business, spending your gas and time. You also get to drum up new worksite business for them to add to their master agency list and profit from while you have long been shuffled out.

The concept sounds good, and that is what gets you to stay longer, but the numbers don't work.

It's the Amway of life insurance, and the joke is on you.

Company: Liberty National Kingsport Office
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Kingsport
Address: 1201 N. Eastman Road
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