Imperial Benefits
Ripoff Credit Card Scam asking for a 279.00 processing fee!

Business & Finance

I to was called about a credit line of $3000.00 on or about January 31. I listen to the pitch and got caught up. I am suprised that I allowed myself to fall for such a scam. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. I told my boyfriend what I had done and he really was not feeling this at all and kept bugging me to dig deeper.

Well yesterday 2/4/04 I called Imperial Benefits and after being on hold for over an hour Jimmy station #006 answered. I asked him a series of questions of course he could not answer any of them in detail. I then demanded to speak to a manager and of course one was not available. I was then hungup on. At this point I knew something was wrong I went to google and put in Imperial Benefits and to my suprise it brought up this site. I was sick by the stories I read. Since my transaction only happened a few days ago I went to my bank did the paperwork to get my ACH stopped (the money has been placed back in my account) I had to close and reopen my account. It cost $5.00. But I gained so much more a lesson that if you buy a $. 10 ring it is really only worth $. 02.

I have logged a complaint and a report with ftc. Gov. I encourge everyone to do this. Getting my money returned is ok but I can not rest at night knowing that this company is still praying on people and getting rich off of others misfurtune. If we all band together and speak out to whoever will listen maybe we can shut this company down. I am mad as hell and I will not go away... I hope others are just as mad and will have their voice heard. Imperial Benefits you're going down!!!

Company: Imperial Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 100 A Walnut D15 Champlain New York, 12919
Phone: 8662332688
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Imperial Benefits
Imperial benefits must be stopped!

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff, scammed, lies

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff by imperial benefits

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff, took the money of a poor college student and promised me a 3,000 credit card that was going to be the card for my books and supplies

Imperial Benefits

Imperial Benefits
Imperial Benifits ripoff

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff I never recieved the Master Card I was Promised!

Imperial Benefit
Ripoff Imperial benefit ask me if i want mastercard with 3000 limit just a one time fee 279

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff new york

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff took my money and didn't send card