Transport funding llc
Violated federal credit regulations

Business & Finance

Transport Funding has violated Federal Law and regulations regarding lenders and credit regulations, by refusing to provide me with the same thing thing that a credit card company would send me each month and is required by law to do so

"a monthly account statement detailing interest rates payment histories and principle remaining"

They recently repossessed the vehicle that the loan was for and re sold it but they Refuse to send me an invoice showing proof of what the vehicle was sold for at auction. And they are threating to sue me for 8k plus shyster lawyer fees of 3500 apx,

Unless i come up with 3100 (reduced settlement offer) something within 30 days of march 2nd even thow they now i am unemployed and basically broke and bankrupt they will not negotiate with me to give me more time, plus i cant agree to anything anyway till they send me the proof of what the truck was sold for.

Company: Transport funding llc
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Phone: 8005629265
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Transport funding llc
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