Synergy LLC
Pistilli, Donaldson, Falco SEC-investigated Scammers cold calling for the "Naive"

Business & Finance

Did Due diligence on these guys and their SEC-filings lie about Proceeds, saying 100% go towards the O/G Investment, all the while, like any other "Boiler-Room", they skim 35%-45% off the Top... The president Tony Pistilli is himself a Convicted Federal Felon for Mail/Wire Fraud and the attitude is the same as it ever was. My money got tied up for years, with NO concrete results, just somebody jumping on the phone and trying to increase my position in the Investment (s) (Read: "reloading the Suckers").

Do yourself a BIG favor - when Synergy LLC O/G Investments call, HANG UP or, get ready to empty your pockets of your hard-earned monies...!

Company: Synergy LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport beach
Address: 328 Old Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663
Phone: 9495748600
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Synergy LLC
Oil & Gas scammers - SEC investigating

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