Devonshire Diamonds
" Con Artists: Cheryle Bidner, Shelley Cash, Lee Cash, Ira Cash Adam Sherman ' Warning To Investors Beware Off All The Made Up Marketing Adds On Internet Surronding Devonshire Diamonds '

Business & Finance

My Name Is Jim Jones, I am Writing this article to warn potential investors Of what you are in for when dealing with fraud artist Cheryle Bidner. I got Taken For $150000 fome all there lies and deception. ItÈs funny theat when you look them up on google there are all kinds of Marketing articles that appear on the google web page when you look them up. It sounds as if they are a reputable company, believe me this is not the looking furhter into this scam with professional investigators we found out that anyone can hire one of several companies that will create made up marketing to help give the appearance of a legitate company, but this is all made up marketing created By Cheryle Bidner and Adam Sherman. This only gives the appearance of a legitamate company. But never judge a book by it's cover. They can write whatever they want and there aren't laws to stop them or protect you. This Gives Shelley Cash and his team the abilaty to fool and mislead clients into draing there bank accounts. This is a well run Ponsi scheme that has milked millions of dollars out of clients like mine bank accounts. I urge you to stay away from Cheryle Bidner and Devonshire Diamonds. The FBI and RCMP are aware of this fraudulant Company and urge anyone that comes in contact with them to stay away. Don't be conned by there fancy marketing on google and other search engines it's all Lies.

Company: Devonshire Diamonds
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Toronto
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Devonshire Diamonds
Cheryle Bidner " All Marketing and Advertising Of Devonshire Diaomonds is False "

Devonshire Diamonds and Jewlery
Telemarketing Fraud Artists " Cheryle Bidner" "Shelley Cash" " Adam Sherman" " Lee Cash" "Ira Cash" " Lea Cash" " Beware Fraud Artists" " Don't Let Them Con You "

Rare - fancy colored diamonds - collecting rare diamonds and jewlery
Devonshire Diamonds " Cherlye Bidner, Shelley Cash, Lee Cash, Ira Cash, Lea Cash, Adam Sherman " Telemarkting Fraud Artists

Devonshire Diamonds
Cheryle Bidner President, Adam Sherman Vice President, Shelley Cash Head Broker " Warning To Potential Investors "All the marketing and news publications on The internet pertaining to Devonshire Diamonds is False and misleading"

Cheryle Bidner, Shelley Cash, Adam Sherman
" I got Scammed By Devonshire Diamonds " " Highly Trained Fraud Artists "

Devonshire Consulting International
Cheryle Bidner, Shelley Cash, Lee Cash, Ira Cash Cheryl Bidner, Shelley Cash Devonshire Consulting international Ponzi Scheme, Scam Toronto Ontario

Cheryle Bidner " Fraud Artist " " Beware " " Convicted Fellon "
" Danger Fraud Artist "

Devonshire Consulting International
Cheryle Bidner, Shelley Cash, Ira and Lee Cash Ponzi Scheme, Fraud, Scam, Dange

"Devonshire Diamonds"
"Telemarkting Fraud Beware" Cheryle Bidner, Shelley Cash, Ira Cash, Lee Cash, Lea Cash, Adam Sherman. Ponzi Scheme " Danger Proffesional Fraud Artists " " Under Investigation " " Call Police "

Devonshire Consulting International
Cherlye Bidner, Shelley Cash, Lee Cash BIG SCAM "FRAUD"