Emerge Credit
Unethical and Criminal business practices

Business & Finance

I am beginning to believe that my case, once thought unique, is just another in a very long list of victims scammed by eMerge! I was a customer of Providian for more than 4 years when, out-of-the-blue my account is transferred to eMerge: my interest rate jumped 11%, I did not received a statement from eMerge for 4 months, there was no answer at the number provided on the new card, and all online access was terminated.

When I did get in contact with them it was via a collections notice wanting to know where my past due payments were! I provided LUDs showing my attempted calls to them, as well as copies of the 14 registered mail receipts for correspondence to them pleading for contact. I brought my account up to date.

However, once you are on their hit list, forget about it. They repeatedly changed my payment due date from month to month, assessing more and more late fees.in a losing effort to protect my credit rating, I continued to foolishly placate these criminals. When my account came up for renewel in October of last year, the Indian-play-acting-like-an-American informed me that my account was under review and a decision would be sent to me on December 15. Guess what? I did not receive any decision, one way or another.

When I called them today, they informed me that the account was blocked from receiving a new card, but remained open so they can assess more fees, if necessary (believe it or not, these were her exact words!). My main issue with eMerge is that all of the statements received since October show the account as active, INCLUDING the January statement! Is there anything to do to protect myself from this criminal organization. When I requested to speak to an AMERICAN citizen supervisor, I was put on hold for over 45 minutes, then disconnected! If there is a class action suit being brought agains eMerge, count me in.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Company: Emerge Credit
Country: USA
Phone: 8667053603
Site: cardholderserverice@emerge-card.com
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