Grand Canyon University
Financial Aide Nightmare!

Business & Finance

This college is just a headache to cope with the monetary help, it's an overall total rip off. They guarantee scholarships, then let you know that you don't qualify. They cost an incredibly wide range of cash for your student help. I got an overall total of eight courses and was billed 18,750. Oo. I really couldn't manage to carry on within this college!

Company: Grand Canyon University
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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Grand Canyon University
Tuition double billed. College took goverment funds but did not post to account

Grand Canyon University
Lack of communication for students

Grand Canyon University
Put my degree in jepordey through their refusal to correct their own error

Ashford University
Complete Nightmare

Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon University
Financial Aid Online Grad Counseling Program

Grand Canyon University
Get everything in writing, Grand Canyon University will tell you anything to get your money!

Grand Canyon University
Private Christian university that will take your money and not care about your education

Grand Canyon University
Any solutions?

Strayer University
Financial Aide, poor customer service and incompetent people