Dell Finacial Services
DFS Unethical Business Practices

Business & Finance

Stay Away. Dells finance company DFS is a rip off. They have turned me into collections for an amount that I am not sure what it is for. I opened a loan with them in the total for my loan including interest was $1300. I have bank statements proving I paid $1800, and the amount turned into collections is $1100. They will not show me documentation of what I was billed for, said I will have to pay them to pull the records. I opened a case through the BBB and was told I have to call the collection agency and make payment arrangements? Serious??? With all the negative reviews, and complaints with the BBB I can not believe they are still in business. The business practices they use are unlawful and pretty pathetic. Tell everyone you know to STAY FAR FAR AWAY, so they do not become the next victim. They have over 2200 complaints with the BBB in 36 months!

Company: Dell Finacial Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Round Rock
Address: One Dell Way PS2DF-26
Phone: 8776633355
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