Carl Hall Investments / Ebrahim Scholtz
Attention SWINDLER i give to him 475.000,00 euros to pay a box in Dubai they stolen may money

Business & Finance

One of may Clients Mr. Charles Eboue German Citizen give to that company CARL HALL INVESTMENTS and is associates in Dubai in the end of 2009 the sum of 475.000,00 for the payment of a consignment in Dubai free zone airport.

That Company don't have nothing in that free zone the document are faked and after that they disappear with that money

Company: Carl Hall Investments / Ebrahim Scholtz
Country: South Africa
City: Cape town
Phone: 0027744430701
  <     >  


Carl hall investments
Ebrahim scholtz building investments

Carl Hall Investments
Ebrahim scholtz and Shauneez Scholtz Attention Burla, Crooks, promisse Houses faked statemets from Standard Bank Extortion in Brasil and Namibia

Carl Hall Investments
Attention dont accept any paymenbt Check from this company or his associate (No funds in Ch)

Carl Hall Investments Cc
And ebrahim scholtz and shauneez scholtz. They are investigated for fraud, evasion as well as attempted extortion of money to brasil companies. Crooks
Consumer Report

GPD Investments
Lee Wiggins - Director GPD - Lee Wiggins Dubai

Lee Charles Wiggins
Cheat, fraudster, conman. Do not invest with him! London
The scam from Dubai is on hunt again!

Jobs in
I received confirmation of job offer and they asked me to pay the fees 92, after payment I know they are fraud Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5B2

Gpd Developments Llc/svp
Lee / stuart wiggins steer clear from these theives / conmen / rip off 100, s of investors dubai/uk