Carl Hall Investments
Attention dont accept any paymenbt Check from this company or his associate (No funds in Ch)

Business & Finance

If that Company contact you for any job or his associates Shaunezz Scholtz don't do it They don't Pay and if they give a Chek are without any Funds in that Account.

We did our job for them and the Check are faked.

Company: Carl Hall Investments
Country: South Africa
Phone: 0027219306840
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Carl Hall Investments / Ebrahim Scholtz
Attention SWINDLER i give to him 475.000,00 euros to pay a box in Dubai they stolen may money

Carl Hall Investments
Ebrahim scholtz and Shauneez Scholtz Attention Burla, Crooks, promisse Houses faked statemets from Standard Bank Extortion in Brasil and Namibia

Carl hall investments
Ebrahim scholtz building investments

Shauneez scholtz
Atencion dont accept any Check from them all without funds, credit Card Fraud

Carl Hall Investments Cc
And ebrahim scholtz and shauneez scholtz. They are investigated for fraud, evasion as well as attempted extortion of money to brasil companies. Crooks

SMI Investments

Colt ledger and associates
Jason hammer Ripping off investors

CityWide Constrution
Citywide Claim Final Notification, Sent check $2,550.00 called to confirm the funds there were no funds available for this account

Fernando Carlos Vargas
And his associates, Ebrahim Scholtz, Shauneez Scholtz, they are Crook ATTENTION, Fraud with False documents from Standard Bank, and Extortion to Brasil Company. CROOKS Lisboa
