CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff! I want a refund of bank fees

Business & Finance

I have just been charged the same 79.99 charge. Needless to say this has caused my account to be overdrawn and fees deducted. I have pending payments to legitimate bills and suspect that I will be charged overdraft fees for those too.

I have contacted the company and recieved rude service when I would not give them my bank account information. I have never heard of this company. Now I am broke and cannot shop for Christmas for my children. I plan to sue for any fees that I do not recover and damages for ruining Christmas. Believe me, they will not get away with this. I will keep posted about the results.

Beaverton, Oregon

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: One City Bld W Ste 401
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Wachovia Bank, National Association
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CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Ripoff, unauthorized billing deceptive company BEWARE OF CIC and their deception! California

CIC Credit Montoring Services
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PNC Bank
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$260 in Checking account, 11 Transactions amounting to $300,11 overdraft fees

Us Bank
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Bank O America
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Bank Of America
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