Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff, liars, theives!

Business & Finance

In August I filled out a mortgage application online.
Two Days later I recieved a call from a man named Randy who said he was from "Money Tree Mortgage out of Georgia". He said I was pre approved for a mortgage up to
$70,000 and I could have it in 60 days, all I needed to do is let them take $300.00 from my bank account for processing my application. I was a little weary at first, but $300.00 seemed like a small price to pay for $70,000 that I had 30 years to pay back. I recieved a full application by e mail, that I had to copy onto legal sized paper and send back overnight along with my
taxes from the past 2 years, my employment history, my social security number, my bank account information, and my check stubs for 2 months.

I was unsure of some things on the application, but I called money tree and spoke to Wendi Perez who assured me that everything was fine and took the time to explain the things to me. I felt very reassured and was confident I would get this mortgage.

After sending my application and my entire life, I waited for a reply. Hopelessly I waited for weeks! Finally I called Money Tree, and spoke to Wendi Perez who said they were processing it now and said I would now be dealing with their underwriter Stephanie Mitchell.

More weeks passed with no word from Money Tree, so I called and called and called. Stephanie Mitchell finally returned my call weeks later and told me I need to
bring my credit score up. I did! I called Money Tree again and again to tell them my score was up, and they told me it wasn't high enough. So I raised it more.
Money Tree (Stephanie Mitchell) again told me my score was not high enough.

She told me it was one thing when the reports I recieved from the three credit bureaus clearly reflected another, a much higher score.

I called Money Tree again to tell them there must be a mistake with my credit because I have my reports and it says something different. Stephanie then e mailed me a copy of the report she was looking at, and after days of trying I could not access the website it orginated from.
I was promised a mortgage by October or November, I signed contracts on two different houses, but lost both deals because the closing dates came and went.

The local realtor and the sellers were very patient and understanding. It is now December, my $300 is long gone, I'm still renting, and I am afraid that Money Tree Mortgage will use my personal information to get money under my name and I will be stuck with it. I plan to seek an attorney and fight back, and I am not alone! In the beginning I recommended my mother to Money Tree to get a mortgage.

My mother went through the same deal, but with a RUSS from Money Tree of Olathe Kansas. I want to get these guys before they can continue to scam people.

So if you have had any experience with money tree from anywhere please post your story below

Company: Money Tree Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Georgia
Address: 665 MOLLY LANE, SUITE 130
Phone: 7705175164
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Money Tree Mortgage

Money Tree Mortgage Company - Stephanie Mitchell, Ron Massey, And Tiwania Young
Money Tree Mortgage Company Stephanie Mitchell, Ron Massey, And Tiwania Young ripoff of application fee after guarantee of return they have changed how they get your money

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff dishonest and a thief

Money Tree Mortgage

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff, liars, theives!

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff Got 300.00 dollars for loan application fee I filed a loan for a home through Money Tree Mortgage and I paid them 300.00 dollars

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff took money from checking before they were supposed to can't get anyone to call me back

Moneytree Mortgage
Money tree mortgage ripoff, money tree mortgage stole $300 from me, after they told me they could help purchase a house

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoff They withdrew the funds on the same day they were told not to

Money Tree Funding
Havent' applied for loan in 8 years - so why is Money Tree telling people I'm lookin for one now?