Loan modification
Playing Games

Business & Finance

Details of Lack of Communication

Leading to Major Frustration

Sometime ago a friend told me about NACA and they indicated that they could help me save my house. I filled out all of the paperwork they required on line and sent it to NACA. I attended the event on Sunday and Monday that it was in Phoenix. I was there for nearly 10 hours each day. The first day I was there, I got right up to the point of talking to my counselor. On Monday, I got through my counselor after hours and hours of waiting.

The Wells Fargo people were put together, we were assured over and over, and over that, we would get in front of Wells Fargo before they left and that we would leave with an answer. I waited and waited and was just about to get in front of Wells Fargo and they announced that they were too tired and were going home and we would not be seen. A gentleman from NACO gave me his cell number and told me to call him on Friday when he was in Las Vegas that week and he would have an answer for me. I called him on Friday as he asked and left repeated messages that were never returned.

At this point, I was not hearing from NACA or Wells Fargo and I was frustrated beyond frustrated. Finally, I called Wells Fargo since NACA did not respond. This was in November. I was told at that time that back on November 12th Wells had told NACA they were offering us a three-month forbearance, which I knew nothing about and would not have known had I not called Wells Fargo and talked to Brian. The problem was that by the time I actually had received the paperwork from Wells and was made aware of their proposal I had already mailed my house payment due December 1st because from what I knew there wasn't an agreement in place and I did not want to be late with a payment. I called and talked to Drew and he indicated that since I had already lost one month of the forbearance because I was not notified, he told me he would put it back through and have the forbearance be for January 1, February 1, and March 1. I did not hear anything and I called back to see why I hadn't heard from them and why my paperwork was not put back through as I was told and would be revised. Then, I talked to a Felicia because I still did not receive any communication from anyone. She informed me that he was in error and that once it is submitted it cannot be rewritten which is what I was told. She read my file and told me that the reason for the delay was that I had not sent in proof of my unemployment - which I was never told was a problem and / or needed. She also told me because it was over 30 days since I had signed that all of the paperwork would have to be redone, resubmitted, and redated to a more recent date. This was news to me. I was told they would send me that they would send out the forms for me to fill out so I could send them back to them. Twice I called and twice I was told the forms would be sent out and as of this date I still have not received the forms. My wife spent an hour on the phone today with Wells Fargo and she told my wife that we needed to sign the proposal and mail it back - again this was news to us. We signed the proposal declining it as the woman told us and it will go out in the mail tomorrow. Because I never got the forms and could not get through to NACA - hung up on and waits averaging 100 minutes, I have generated my own forms to get the status from my perspective in front of NACA and Wells Fargo.

Here, I am looking endlessly for work and on top of it all pushing, calling, and all to save my house. I need to know what is going on with my Modification because what I am faxing you should be everything you need and then some.

The frustrating part is I was within minutes of being in front of Wells Fargo and they went home when it was my turn. As a result, I am getting all of this non-communication and told different stories every time I talk to someone. I want to know exactly what the next steps are and when I can expect to hear from you. Hopefully, it will be in a timely manner and that I will not have to make a payment for a few months.

I need answers, direction, and results. This has been a very painful process and has been way more work than it should ever have been - especially since I was told in Phoenix that I would leave with an answer from Wells addition, I was in the building the day the bomb threat occurred in Phoenix.

Company: Loan modification
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Chandler
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