CR Bancorp

Business & Finance

This company called us on the phone, said would we be interested in a credit card that was unsecured and only $149. We told them no, we have cards that do not cost us a thing. Two weeks later they drafted our bank account for the $149 (we have no idea how they got our personal banking information) We immediately notified our bank that this was an unauthorized draft on our account and tried to reach the company at the above number. No one answered the phone for 4 business days, when someone finally did, they said they were so sorry about the mix up and we should receive a refund check within 10 business days. That was 30 days ago. These people are scandals and should be stopped. It is scary and sickening that they can access your personal information like this so beware!!!

Company: CR Bancorp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: 3605 Long Beach Blvd
Phone: 8882700089
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Cr Bancorp

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