Whitewing Financial, CAMCO
Whitewing Financial - CAMCO RIPOFF Tried to collect 20yr FAKE Visa debt No way it could be mine

Business & Finance

This morning got a call from a Ms. Claibourne who stated she had been trying to reach me in regard to Wachovia Visa account opened 11/17/1983 under my previous last name. She had my first and middle names correct, even my social security number correct. She could even tell me everywhere I lived over the past twenty years with the exception of one! It was where I lived the year the account was active!

I tried to explain that I could not have opened this account because at that time I was married and my last name was different, I did not live at the address she stated because I had been overseas for over a month prior to this opening date with my husband who was in the USAF, so it was a vacant lot since our mobile home had been moved over a month before this account was opened.

She and her supervisor, Carla, told me that since my SS# was used to open the account I was responsibe for it. I told her that after twenty years she had to be kidding, she said it had been written off by the original bank that had held the account but that they had an Affadavit and Assignment and could collect by any means necessary. They started out by telling me I had to pay $4632.04, but if I agreed to pay today they would write off the interest and it would be $1067.75.

Finally I was offered a hardship discount which took the total down to $711.83. I asked for something, original contract showing my signature, statements of charges, anything to help me see that this was real, Ms. Claibourne told me it had all been mailed to me on 11/20. When it did not come in the mail I called back and requested them to fax the documents to me. That I wanted to consult with someone to get legal advice.

I received an Affadavit of Assignment and a cover letter explaining that they had made this hardship offer and if it was not received by them before 12/09 the offer was null and void and they would be expecting the full debt amount and would do whatever they had to do to collect it. At the bottom of the letter was a place for me to enter my credit card info just in case I wanted to pay it off that way! Not! But, NO PROOF, NO original contract.

I have filed a complaint with the Florida Atty. Gen. Office and now this one. I will be sending a letter to them to make then PROVE this someway or another. Until I have proof, no payment will be made.

Company: Whitewing Financial, CAMCO
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 1710 S. Dairy Ashford Suite 207
Phone: 8662349062
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