Carleton H. Sheets
(The No Money Down Program The Professional Education Institute) Credit Card Fraud Scam Liars Ripoffs Thiefs

Business & Finance

When your trying to better yourself and your family you hit rock bottom.

My husband and I purchased the No Money Down program after seeing it on infomercials for at least 2 years. We figured well it's been here this long maybe we should give it a shot.

If we don't make it our carrer we can at least learn how to buy a house without being ripped off. HA!
Little did we know that as soon as we made the phone call we were already ripped off.

The 30 day money back guarantee. (no problem right???)
Well in my situation Carleton Sheets company waited until after the 30 days to start their scams. We set up a financial order to have 39.00 taken once a month to pay for this. Well 2 months after we got the product checks began bouncing in our bank account we couldn't figure out why. We did everything possible to get our account out of the negatives. Well we get back on track to one day WHAM! Back in the negative. So this time we indept investigated why this was happening.

They charged our account in one lump sum of $504.84. Which was never approved though us. I called the number to Carleton Sheets and talked to a representative and was told that they would credit the money back to our account. Great No problem just a mistake???

Well the money did not get credited back into our account. So I called back to talk to four people until I finally got a so called supervisor. To find our not only did they steal all this money from us but they also signes us up for additional purchases and gave our credit card information to purchase more things.

They tried to keep repeating what the program offered and this price for this and that. I caught the superviser in several lies in about 5 minutes of talking to her. I told her that I no longer wanted the product not because I didn't like the product itself but because of the company as a whole. She couldn't even keep up wiht her own lies as she would say one thing then it would be diffrent. I confronted her on not being able to keep track of her won lies and she ended the conversation really quick by hanging up on me. (A SUPERVISER???)

So I start investigating myself and found so many of the same thing happening to many many innocent people. I will not let this go and I will fight to the bitter end to make Carletn Sheets no longer be able to scam anyone again.

It is really sad that someone will steal from good people trying to better themselves.

Company: Carleton H. Sheets
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Wooddale
Address: 1269 North Wood Dale Road
Phone: 8772580004
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