Carleton Sheets - No Down Payment Personal Coaching Program
Carleton sheets no down payment personal coaching program consumer fraud ripoff

Education & Science

Every time I see that man on T.V., it makes my blood boil! He makes his money off inocent people. And the fraud comes in with all the deniel that you ever made the purchase. I also purchased his "NO DOWN PAYMENT" PROGRAM. Thats fine, however after having the program for about a year, I received a phone call from their office stating that I would benefit from CARLETON SHEETS PERSONAL COACHING SYSTEM.

This would provide me with a personal coach. HA! What I did get for $2400.00 was a 10-15 minute conversation with one of Carletons employees. The conversation consisted of how he had a pregnant wife w/twins and a read and follow along in the book. ABSOLUTELY NO HELP! I can read! When I called to inform them of my anger, I was told by "Jerry" in customer Service (they need to find out the meaning of that title) he told me that Carleton Sheets NEVER HAD A COACHING PROGRAM. HA!

I have the materials and notebook with his mug displayed on the cover with the title "NO DOWN PAYMENT PERSONAL COACHING SYSTEM" CARLETON SHEETS. I believe to put a stop to this mans fraud, we need to all get together and file a class action suit! Power in numbers. I learned a long time ago money talks and criminals walk. He buys his protection.

This needs to come to a head and is too big for one, but power in a group. We as a public need to stop these fraudulent ripoffs together with our local representative.

Let's end this mans getting wealthy off the public.

Think about it people!

If he made millions in real estate, he's making a lot more with his fraudulent ripoffs.

Company: Carleton Sheets - No Down Payment Personal Coaching Program
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 2200 West Parkway Boulevard
Phone: 8004175037
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