Website business
Exodus aka Igomoul Lied, cheated, called constantly, took my money, made false promises, and refused to honor warranty

Business & Finance

I was phoned by Jim DiMartino and told about this work-at-home get rich plan. He told me it could not fail, and he knew I could use some more money. I agreed that I could use more money, but wasn't able to do the work, nor did I know enough about my computer. He said this was the kind of people they liked to train. I can now see why he said that. The least I knew the more they could pull over me.
I told Jim I had had back surgery Jan. 4 and wasn't doing real well. He then wanted to help me pay off my pending hospital and medical bills. He told me he was a Christian and wanted to help the elderly and needy. I just so happen to need both. I am 73 years old. I finally told him to send it to me to look at. He stated it would cost me a one time cost of $199.00, which was refundable in 90 days if I did not like it. He also said there would be someone to train me as to what to do. I agreed and paid him.
Andrew Morales was assigned as my mgr. He started onto me for lots of money, $5000.00 and I could not pay that. He finally got the cash down to $1249.00 and he promised I would make that back before my credit card came due. I agreed to the $1249.00 with the same 90 day satisfaction. He gave me 2 Postzilla assignments, which yielded me a grand $10.00, and I had over 8o hours work in them. He then said I would have to purchase backlinks in order to make any money with my website. I could not afford nor did I feel safe with all this any longer. He said I could do the money because I had a big balance of credit on my charge card. I told him I could not pay the money back and he said it didn't matter. At my age I didn't need to build any credit. I refused to give him one penny more after that remark. I told him to please, please give my money back that I needed it so bad for bills and meds. Andrew will not answer my calls, nor e-mails. I have tried to talk to Jim DeMartino and he has had his phone number changed. They have lied about the money I would make and haven't nearly done the expected and promised thing about my website. Help me to put them out of business and make them pay me my $1448.00 back. I need it oh so bad. They should not be allowed to cheat another poor sole like me, not one thing they promise can be believed. Help!!!

Company: Website business
Country: USA
Address: 4451 E Oak St
Phone: 18772051720
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Igomogul is a Scam

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